On this site you will find information about the Alexander Technique and how it is taught, the list of our teaching members and the recognized teacher training course in Belgium.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.
The challenges and fast-changing demands of life can so occupy our thoughts that we forget about that most important consideration: ourselves.

AEFMAT is the Belgian Association of Teachers of the Alexander Technique.
It is a non-profit making association, founded in Brussels on the 21st December 1982.
AEFMAT is part of an international network known as ATAS which was formed by the societies that are affiliated to STAT. STAT is the UK-based society which was the first professional organization of Alexander Technique teachers. AEFMAT affiliated to STAT in 1996.
The principal aims of AEFMAT are :
- to promote public awareness and understanding of the Alexander Technique in Belgium;
- to oversee standards of teacher training and professional practice;
- to oversee the respect of the Code of Professional Conduct;
- to protect the name “F.M. Alexander Technique” from unauthorised use;
- to participate in the international network of affiliated societies (ATAS).
All full members of AEFMAT are recognized teachers of the F. M. Alexander Technique.
AEFMAT vzw/asbl
Rue Solleveld 53/8, 1200 Bruxelles
Entreprise n° : 424429042
Bank : IBAN BE47 9796 4687 1480-BIC: ARSP BE 22
Hazel Carrie : +32 474 49 62 72